Results From Constrained Bimanual Planning with Analytic Inverse Kinematics

Thomas Cohn, Seiji Shaw, Max Simchowitz, and Russ Tedrake

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Accompanying video:

Bimanual Plans

Below are interactive meshcat recordings of all plans from the paper Constrained Bimanual Planning with Analytic Inverse Kinematics, submitted to ICRA. This replicates Tables I and II of the paper, with each cell in the left table indicating the path length (in configuration space arc length), and each cell in the right table indicating online planning time (in seconds), and linking to its corresponding meshcat recording. Paths marked with an asterisk have collisions.

Path Length (Configuration Space Arc Length)
Method Top to Middle Middle to Bottom Bottom to Top
Trajopt 4.24* 2.66* 6.10*
Atlas-BiRRT 5.57 5.60 6.76
Atlas-PRM 7.24 7.09 8.56
IK-Trajopt 2.64 3.00 4.75
IK-BiRRT 9.19 10.63 18.36
IK-PRM 4.13 13.75 13.65
IK-GCS 2.09 3.32 5.62
Online Planning Time (Seconds)
Method Top to Middle Middle to Bottom Bottom to Top
Trajopt 43.78 48.03 61.50
Atlas-BiRRT 118.66 253.34 421.30
Atlas-PRM 7.54 14.71 17.28
IK-Trajopt 63.92 94.92 109.84
IK-BiRRT 57.10 70.50 97.08
IK-PRM 31.38 45.88 32.36
IK-GCS 3.41 2.32 3.32

We also present IK-GCS plans where we can vary the grasp distance. Specifically, the IRIS regions have been generated to treat the grasp distance as a free parameter, and then this parameter is fixed at planning time.

Top to Middle Middle to Bottom Bottom to Top
IK-GCS Small Large Small Large Small Large

How to Interact with Meshcat Trajectory Recordings

Click and drag the screen to rotate the camera. Holding shift will instead pan the camera. Scroll to zoom in or out.

To adjust playback of the trajectory, click the "Open Controls" button in the top right corner. You will see an image similar to below:

The controls for playback are under the "Animations" menu. "play" and "pause" start and stop the playback from the current timestamp, and "reset" sets the time to 0. "time" indicates the current time of the pose within the trajectory, and "timeScale" controls the playback speed (e.g. 0.5 is half speed). The values for "time" and "timeScale" are text fields, and can be edited directly.